Goals Supported
Sub-Objective Timeline
Engage in broad discussions around the proposed Arts and Culture building.This item supports sub-objective M1
Engage in broad discussions around the proposed Arts and Culture building.This item supports sub-objective M1Working group formed
Discussions took place and the establishment of a focus/working group regarding strategic priority was planned.
Centre for Medicinal Chemistry (Science building) designed.This item supports sub-objective M2
Centre for Medicinal Chemistry (Science building) designed.This item supports sub-objective M2Science Building
Design of the building commenced. Care was taken to ensure design aligned with functionality, fit into the campus, and sustainability.
Revitalization of Meeting Place planned and designed.This item supports sub-objective M3
Indigenous space (internal) across the campus established.This item supports sub-objective M5
Indigenous space (internal) across the campus established.This item supports sub-objective M5Indigenous Centre Temporary Location
This action took place in the 2019-20 academic year:
A temporary location for the Indigenous Centre will be created in the heart of the W.G. Davis building, with a permanent home to be created in the ACT building (project planning currently underway).
Naming of Maanjiwe nendamowinan
This action was completed in the 2019-20 academic year:
The newest building at UTM, the home of Humanities and Social Sciences academic units, will be officially opened and named Maanjiwe nendamowinan ("gathering of minds"), to acknowledge the Indigenous communities in the area and our history.
New Office Space
This action took place in the 2019-20 academic year:
New Office Space is to be dedicated to the MIssissaugas of the Credit First Nation in the newly opened MN building.
Design Arts and Culture building.This item supports sub-objective M1
Design Arts and Culture building.This item supports sub-objective M1Committee for new ACT building
A committee for the ACT (Arts, Culture & Technology) building was approved and planning has commenced. Synergies between various groups (between technology groups and arts components) were examined and incorporated into the requests and plans for this building.
Determine funding envelope for Arts and Culture building.This item supports sub-objective M1
Centre for Medicinal Chemistry (Science Building) designed.This item supports sub-objective M2
Centre for Medicinal Chemistry (Science Building) designed.This item supports sub-objective M2New Science Building Design
The design for the New Science Building completed. Many factors were taken into consideration, such as: sustainability, functionality, and campus fit.
Revitalization of Meeting Place construction initiated.This item supports sub-objective M3
Revitalization of Meeting Place construction initiated.This item supports sub-objective M3Updates on Meeting Place Renovation
The meeting place project has moved through its construction phases, starting with demolition and abatement.
Robotics building plan design.This item supports sub-objective M4
Robotics building plan design.This item supports sub-objective M4Updates on Robotics building construction
Temporary Robotics labs were renovated in the Deerfield Hall building, allowing the first 3 Robotics Faculty hires to start their research. Construction of the Robotics Laboratory Environment (RLE) planning was concluded, and approvals were obtained.
Indigenous space (external) across the campus established.This item supports sub-objective M5
Student Services Plaza renovations.This item supports sub-objective M6
Student Services Plaza renovations.This item supports sub-objective M6Updates on Student Plaza Renovation
Pre-planning and discussions took place to ensure that the plan for the Plaza is still the best way to move forward, in order to provide the best Student space on campus.
Design Arts and Culture building.This item supports sub-objective M1
Design Arts and Culture building.This item supports sub-objective M1ACT Building Project
The Arts & Culture building project planning report was completed and submitted for CaPS Executive. The report was approved by the UTM SPMC committee. Approval was also obtained to proceed to Schematic Design, with design work to start in early 2020. Submission for full Governing Council approval is planned for cycle 1 in 2020-21.
Ensure building meets all University and City regulations and requirements.This item supports sub-objective M1
Ensure building meets all University and City regulations and requirements.This item supports sub-objective M1Compliance Updates
All UTM buildings are fully compliant with city and university regulations at the day of opening. UTM strives to meet LEED Silver for all of our new buildings, ensuring sustainable design. Accessibility requirements are very important and UTM enhances the building feature where possible during design and/or after building openings. Older buildings are retrofitted and renovated as part of planned maintenance, and updates are made to comply with all applicable regulations.
Science building construction.This item supports sub-objective M2
Science building construction.This item supports sub-objective M2Updates on Science Building Construction
The project team applied for Site Plan Approval and Building Permits. The main construction contract for the project is expected to be awarded in November, with construction starting in December 2019. UTM is proud of the many sustainability features incorporated into the building (geothermal, photovoltaic, rain water harvesting, chilled beams, aircuity, etc.).
Revitalization of Meeting Place concludes.This item supports sub-objective M3
Revitalization of Meeting Place concludes.This item supports sub-objective M3Progress on Meeting Place Renovation
Construction work continues. Servery and main part of the seating area opened in Sept 2019. North and South additions, as well as the main entrance to the Davis building, are scheduled to open before January 2020. Last part of the Meeting Place renovation (within the old TFC space) will open in 2020 and will include space for two new food outlets.
Robotics building construction.This item supports sub-objective M4
Robotics building construction.This item supports sub-objective M4Design Updates on Robotics building construction
Robotics Laboratory Environment (RLE) - Design to start operations in the Fall of 2019.
Indigenous ceremonies held regularly.This item supports sub-objective M5
Indigenous ceremonies held regularly.This item supports sub-objective M5Plans for Indigenous ceremonies
The question of Indigenous ceremonies is one which is important to be led by, for, and with Indigenous community as there are many ceremonies which are sacred. The new Indigenous Centre space in the Maanjiwe nendamowinan building will provide opportunities in future years for more gatherings and ceremonies to be developed with and in support of Indigenous community. Indigenous and non-Indigenous community can contact the Indigenous Centre to request a smudging ceremony. Non-Indigenous community members can contact the Indigenous Centre about Indigenous ceremonies to better understand their significance to Indigenous communities, as well as participate in monthly virtual education programs run through the Indigenous Centre.
The following ceremonies took place through one-time events organized by partnerships with Indigenous communities outside of UTM:
- Mississauga gathering with Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation (MCFN) and fire keeping ceremony, led by Dr. Sherry Fukazawa and MCFN
- UTM supported the Water Ceremony at city park adjacent to UTM, led by New College
Student Services Plaza opens.This item supports sub-objective M6
Student Services Plaza opens.This item supports sub-objective M6Planning Updates on Student Plaza Renovation
Planning for the proposed renovation to start in the Fall of 2019.
Arts and Culture building construction.This item supports sub-objective M1
Arts and Culture building construction.This item supports sub-objective M1ACT Building design
ACT has completed Schematic Design Phase and its moving to Design Development Phase.
Science building construction.This item supports sub-objective M2
Science building construction.This item supports sub-objective M2Science Building construction commences
Construction of the UTM Science Building began in January 2020.
Robotics building construction.This item supports sub-objective M4
Robotics building construction.This item supports sub-objective M4Robotics Laboratory Environment Construction Delayed
Robotics Laboratory Environment (RLE) has been delayed and construction is planned to start in Spring 2022.
Arts and Culture building construction.This item supports sub-objective M1
Science building opens and is occupied.This item supports sub-objective M2
Robotics building opens and is occupied.This item supports sub-objective M4