Goals Supported
Sub-Objective Timeline
Assess needs and assist undergraduate departments with developing curriculum maps for their programs.This item supports sub-objective A1
Provide information to departments on High-Impact Education Practices.This item supports sub-objective A2
Provide information to departments on High-Impact Education Practices.This item supports sub-objective A2Re-usable Online Learning Assets
- U of T struck a task force with UTM representation to begin development on a set of re-usable online learning assets that meet the HEQCO quality criteria to support the articulation of a broad range of learning outcomes in the domain of EL/WIL. Development will involve consultation with content experts and stakeholders, such as the UTM Career Centre. Divisional implementation is expected to take place in 2019.
Begin to assess the range of high-impact practices already in use in programs/departments.This item supports sub-objective A2
Begin to assess the range of high-impact practices already in use in programs/departments.This item supports sub-objective A2WIL and Self-Assessment Liaison
- The Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre (RGASC) hired a Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) and Self-Assessment liaison to support academic units and instructors in WIL course, assignment, and assessment design. The Experiential Education Unit (EEU) collaborated with the WIL liaison in the creation of a self-assessment survey circulated among students who received Experiential Learning Bursaries in the Fall 2018 and Winter 2019 semesters.
- The WIL Liaison (and other RGASC faculty and staff) can support instructors during the initial phase of course design or help to evaluate the assessment methods currently in place. For more information, visit the RGASC web site.
Publicize existing Communities of Learning and/or Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) faculty groups at UTM focused on pedagogy, such as the Teaching & Learning Collaboration (TLC) or TLC groups at RGASC.This item supports sub-objective A3
Foster a culture of academic integrity and success among undergraduate students.This item supports sub-objective A4
Foster a culture of academic integrity and success among undergraduate students.This item supports sub-objective A4Academic Integrity Unit Updates and Campaigns
- Established Academic Integrity Unit
The Office of the Vice-Principal Academic and Dean established the Academic Integrity Unit as a student-facing resource and neutral party that seeks to promote a culture of integrity and educational excellence among undergraduate students at UTM. - Academic Advocacy Week
The Academic Integrity Unit partnered with UTMSU on Academic Advocacy Week, a student engagement initiative promoting student awareness of Academic Integrity policies at UTM. - “CAUTION: Academic Offense Risk” Campaign
The Academic Integrity Unit collaborated with the Office of Student Affairs and others to create and disseminate “CAUTION: Academic Offense Risk” stickers, which were placed on posters that advertise tutoring services around campus. This marketing campaign sought to raise awareness of the risks associated with academic aids that are not sanctioned by the University, while also directing students to the AIU website for more information on academic offense risks.
- Established Academic Integrity Unit
Continue to assist undergraduate departments with developing curriculum maps for their programs.This item supports sub-objective A1
Continue to assist undergraduate departments with developing curriculum maps for their programs.This item supports sub-objective A1Curriculum Maps
- Progress is being made on two fronts: (1) establishing robust program learning outcomes, and (2) assisting departments with the curriculum mapping process. A curriculum mapping "point person" has been identified in 80% of all departments. Exemplars from different disciplines have been collected and best practice documents have been established to share with departments embarking on the curriculum mapping process.
Encourage departments to highlight and make use of the high-impact practices best suited to their programs and learning outcome goals.This item supports sub-objective A2
Encourage departments to highlight and make use of the high-impact practices best suited to their programs and learning outcome goals.This item supports sub-objective A2Promoted Experiential Learning via Bursary Program
Through successful applications to the University Fund for Experiential Learning (EL) and the Provincial Career Ready Fund in 2017, the EEU distributed approximately 900 bursaries to students enrolled in 39 distinct EL courses over the Fall 2018 and Winter 2019 terms. Bursaries were helped to alleviate additional costs associated with EL activities and reduce barriers to participation for students with accessibility concerns or coming from low-income, racialized, or marginalized backgrounds.
Scholars-in-Residence at UTM
The Office Vice-Principal Academic and Dean (OVPAD) collaborated again with the Jackman Humanities Institute to bring the Jackman Scholars-in-Residence program to UTM in May 2019. Over a four-week period, UTM faculty collaborated with student researchers on six approved projects. Due to increased marketing efforts, UTM more than doubled student applications, receiving a total of 150 applications, up from just 60 applications last year.
Tri-Campus Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Mini-Symposium
In February 2019, the Experiential Education Unit (EEU) collaborated with the Institute for Management and Innovation (IMI) and ICUBE to host the Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Mini-Symposium, an annual conference series initiated by the Impact Centre Science to Society, at UTM for the very first time. This one-day conference featured presentations from faculty and staff from the EEU, ICUBE, and IMI, as well as an employer panel and a reflection workshop run by the Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre’s (RGASC) WIL Faculty Liaison. Over 50 faculty and staff from across the U of T tri-campus were in attendance, making this the largest WIL Mini-Symposium yet.
Global Opportunities
The International Education Centre (IEC) implemented a new virtual platform to facilitate student engagement with global opportunities and collected feedback from students to determine better approaches to communicating and promoting global learning. For additional information, please review updates in Objective H.
Based on experiences in Year 1, expand existing Communities of Learning or develop new Communities to fit faculty and program interests and needs across the curriculum.This item supports sub-objective A3
Based on experiences in Year 1, expand existing Communities of Learning or develop new Communities to fit faculty and program interests and needs across the curriculum.This item supports sub-objective A3Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
- Teaching & Learning Collaboration (TLC) offerings were expanded in response to surveys conducted at the end of last year. In particular, pedagogical reading groups in both the fall and winter terms are being offered.
Foster a culture of academic integrity and success among undergraduate students.This item supports sub-objective A4
Foster a culture of academic integrity and success among undergraduate students.This item supports sub-objective A4Academic Appeals Subcommittee and Video Series
- Academic Appeals Subcommittee
In January 2019, the Academic Appeals Subcommittee portfolio was moved from the Office of Campus Council into the Office of the Vice-Principal Academic and Dean to promote synergy with the operations of the Academic Integrity Unit. - “Best Practices for Academic Integrity” Video Series
The Academic Integrity Unit collaborated with the Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre on the creation of a video series promoting best practices around academic integrity for students.
- Academic Appeals Subcommittee
All undergraduate programs expected to have initial curriculum maps.This item supports sub-objective A1
Continue to assist with development of curriculum maps for new programs, and assist with revision and assessment of existing maps.This item supports sub-objective A1
Encourage departments to highlight existing practices and incorporate new practices, as appropriate to their learning outcomes.This item supports sub-objective A2
Encourage departments to highlight existing practices and incorporate new practices, as appropriate to their learning outcomes.This item supports sub-objective A2Growth in the Resaerch Opportunity Program
The Research Opportunity Program (ROP) recorded another year of growth in 2019-20. The Experiential Education Unit (EEU) reviewed and approved funding for 283 projects (up from 269 projects in 2018-19) and received 3,608 student applications (up from 3,312 applications in 2018-19). Instructors made 401 offers to students, which were accepted by 328 students who proceeded to enroll in their ROP courses.
Global U Scholars Working Group Updates
The Global U scholars working group introduced the proposal for a free-standing tri-campus Global Leaders Minor program. For detailed information on this initiative, as well as other notable High Impact Practices pertaining to international study, please review Objective H
Expansion of Experiential Learning Initiatives at UTM
In May 2019, the Experiential Education Unit (EEU) received notice of its successful application for one more year of funding under the Provostial University Fund for Experiential Learning (EL) to support the implementation of two financially sustainable priority projects: (1) the introduction of an Experiential Learning Officer (ELO) into cognate academic units in the Humanities; and (2) the establishment of an Experiential Learning Development Grant and adjacent hire of an Experiential Learning Developer to assist faculty undertaking the development, implementation, and assessment of new EL opportunities at UTM.
Experienital Learning Support Added Across Departments
The Experiential Education Unit (EEU) continued to grow its centralized system of ELOs in 2019-20 to assist 9 more academic units, bringing the total to 13 academic units supported by the EEU. Over the summer, the Manager, Experiential Education, undertook a review of current staff workloads against requests for administrative support from the Chairs and Directors of academic units. Based on this review, Experiential Learning Officers were assigned additional portfolios and embedded into academic units previously unsupported by the EEU.
Experiential Education Fair Hosted at UTM to Promote Community Engagment and Experiential Learning
The Experiential Education Unit (EEU) hosted the inaugural Experiential Education Fair on October 23, 2019. The EEU was joined by 12 academic units, 5 non-academic units, and 4 community partners, who provided students with an overview of the thriving culture of experiential learning at UTM. Opening the event, Vice-Dean, Academic Experience, discussed the timeliness and growing importance of experiential learning at postsecondary institutions, reiterating the Office of the Dean’s ongoing commitment to helping students develop work-ready, transferable skills throughout their undergraduate studies.
Collect more formal data on high-impact practices in use or proposed by programs/departments, as appropriate.This item supports sub-objective A2
Collect more formal data on high-impact practices in use or proposed by programs/departments, as appropriate.This item supports sub-objective A2Campus-Wide Surveys and Data Collection on Experiential Learning
The Experiential Education Unit (EEU) leveraged the expertise of the Experiential Learning Liaison in the Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre (RGASC), who assisted with the development of the Experiential Learning Development Grant, supported the Experiential Learning (EL) Bursaries program by advising on the design and analysis of its pre- and post-course self-assessment surveys, and developed new student- and faculty-facing materials on reflective practice. In addition, the Experiential Learning Liaison played a crucial role in the design and analysis of a EL campus-wide survey, which was distributed to faculty, staff, and students in January 2020.
Continue to involve a range of faculty in Communities of Learning (basic to advanced), depending on interests and needs.This item supports sub-objective A3
Foster a culture of academic integrity and success among undergraduate students.This item supports sub-objective A4
Foster a culture of academic integrity and success among undergraduate students.This item supports sub-objective A4New Dean's Designate and AIU Staff
- Addition of New Dean’s Designate
In order to better streamline case processing and allow for more teachable moments with students, a fourth Dean’s Designate position was introduced to assist the Academic Integrity Unit in July 2019. - Academic Appeals & Integrity Coordinator
The Academic Integrity Unit hired an Academic Appeals & Integrity Coordinator in February 2020, who is responsible for the management and oversight of the UTM Academic Appeals Subcommittee (AAS) and supporting students involved in this process. They are also involved in the administration of the academic integrity portfolio, including the development and implementation of educational and proactive initiatives relating to academic integrity for students, staff, and faculty.
- Addition of New Dean’s Designate
Continue to assist with development, revision and assessment of curriculum maps for undergraduate (and graduate) programsThis item supports sub-objective A1
Continue encouraging departments to highlight existing practices and incorporate new practices, as appropriate to their learning outcomes.This item supports sub-objective A2
Continue to involve range of faculty in Communities of Learning, basic to advanced, depending on interests and needs.This item supports sub-objective A3
Foster a culture of academic integrity and success among undergraduate students.This item supports sub-objective A4
Foster a culture of academic integrity and success among undergraduate students.This item supports sub-objective A4Academic Integrity Unit Outreach
- Academic Integrity Poster Contest: In September 2020, the Academic Integrity Unit launched a Poster Contest. University of Toronto Mississauga undergraduate students were invited to submit posters on the theme of academic integrity. Over 50 submissions were received and 5 students received cash prizes for their work.
- “IntegriTEA” :Over the course of the Winter 2021 term, the Academic Integrity Unit held several virtual “IntegriTEA” sessions, in collaboration with various academic departments and student groups. Students were encouraged to grab a cup of tea and chat with the AIU staff and special guest speakers on all topics related to academic integrity.
- Academic Integrity Unit Newsletter: In November 2020, the Academic Integrity Unit (AIU) launched the first issue of the AIU Newsletter. The newsletter, published monthly, was circulated to students, academic units, and non-academic units, in an effort to promote the services of the AIU and share important updates and resources related to academic integrity.
- Addition of New Dean’s Designate:To address the increase in cases, particularly from the Department of Mathematics and Computational Sciences, a fifth Dean’s Designate position was introduced to support the Academic Integrity Unit in May 2021.
- Academic Integrity Student Ambassador Program
In April 2021, the Academic Integrity Unit (AIU) officially launched the Academic Integrity Student Ambassador Program. The Ambassadors will work closely with the AIU staff to develop and implement educational initiatives to raise awareness about the importance of academic integrity at UTM.
Continue to assist with development, revision, and assessment of curriculum maps for undergraduate (and graduate) programs.This item supports sub-objective A1
Continue encouraging departments to highlight existing practices and incorporate new practices, as appropriate to their learning outcomes.This item supports sub-objective A2
Assess Communities of Learning groups at UTM.This item supports sub-objective A3
Foster a culture of academic integrity and success among undergraduate students.This item supports sub-objective A4